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Adrianna Trujillo

I unknowingly started my yoga journey at 3 when I began taking ballet classes. I danced hip hop, tap, jazz, flamenco, modern and ballet altogether for 12 years. The first yoga class I took was a palates class my freshman year at UNM and fell in love. I dabbled into different studios for a few years and started an everyday practice when I was 20.  The hot room, affirmations and floating changed my life. I broke through so many dark places and found where I was supposed to be all along–myself–no apologies, just pure love and light! A few months after having my son I received my 200-hr certification with Lotus Center and have been teaching and developing my practice since!


My favorite word in Sanskrit is Ahimsa, which means non-violence. I have a dark side of me that only my higher power and yoga suppressed. Yoga is a union of mind, body, and spirit, which I always strive for. 

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