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Carmen Aldana 

Founding Director and Owner Everliving Wellness


It wasn't until my early 20’s that I finally made the acknowledgement that I had been doing yoga my whole life. I was raised in a system of work where its not about doing or associating with one path but truly living and being the wisdom of the teachings. I came from a beautiful esoteric school of work that honors the divine essence of all teachings. We are connected to the lineages of the Dali Lama and Kriya and Kundalini Masters such as Yogi Bhajan. Even more so I have been blessed with a living teacher in Taos who literally has been with me since birth.


I've always had a passion and deep connection to Spirit and healing.

I remember giving energy work to my kittens as a child and even singing to the plants. I always utilized breath as a tool and was even the strange kid that would lay down at the playground to ground my energy. I was raised in Northern New Mexico where the climate is rich and full of culture. Spirit demanded such as on the contrary there extreme violence and abuse lingers within the normality, but the ying and yang always made sense to me. I loved to be the light in the darkness, that positive ray of hope... that truly open heart and belief in humanity inspired me to always bring out the best in myself and others. I was top of my class all through school, graduated top 10 and was class president senior year – 

all leading me into the pursuit of my Bachelors degree in Psychology.

I had planned to receive a doctorate and just a year before finishing my bachelors degree was invited to a yoga class… I fell in love! I was home. It was like I could take all of these internal concepts of freedom that I had learned my whole life and literally embody them. I decided to take my 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training from the Sacred Hot Yoga Method in 2011 and upon graduation was invited to teach at the studio. I soon was called to do chair yoga and children's yoga classes at our Dojo, in which I designed my first curriculum.  Within that year I became the manager of the non-profit charity known as Cloud9. Later that year I was blessed to come into connection with the incredible gift of Reiki and obtained by first degree. I then pursued Access Bar Trainings, NIA, Psychic Intuitive Trainings, Specialized Yoga Trainings in Kids Yoga, Senior Yoga, Chair Yoga, and Trauma Sensitive Yoga and spent my spare time volunteering at Agora Crisis Center. Education and giving back has always been a passion of mine . Dedication to the work is what I breathe. Ive continued to study with my teacher in Taos, and would even drive up there on a weekly basis for one class and drive back home. Our life is our practice.


My journey continued at Cloud9 and I was blessed with my beautiful daughter Anjelina and was deeply called to make a life transition, I resigned from Cloud9. It was a journey of years looking for a place to call home. I collaborated on a shared studio in December of 2014 and was then asked to start my very own teacher training program and launched the first one in March of 2015. As fate would have it, there was more to come... I still wasn't home but was still getting the support from the universe. I had to leave the collaboration but in 2016 I found my Reiki Master and re-obtained my first degree and got my second degree.  Spirit made it clear... I must create this home I am seeking. I started the process and signed the lease for Everliving in December of 2016. We demolitioned our building, redid the floors, painted and got showers built . Literally every inch of the studio has been activated by the hands of our beautiful Everliving Family. It took months and months... and was in divine timing which was not what we had expected. In July of 2017 I left for Hawaii and received my 300 Therapeutic Training Certification and literally opened Everliving Wellness abroad! We had tried to have it open before I left but blessingly my Everliving Family was still so excited that we continued on while I was out of town and officially opened our doors August 14, 2017.


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